This was my first time far from my country during the holiday. New different emotions compensate for the lack of home.
Before holiday I met an Italian guy in the restaurant of my friend. A friendly guy with passion for travel.
I was busy only for Christmas Eve, and I wouldn't spent the rest of holiday alone, so we planned for a 3 days trip.
We rented a car with 2 Brazilian guys and I was exited about my first driving holiday in Australia. On the 25th of December we went to Byron Bay. An amazing place 2 hour far from Brisbane. The weather was warm and the landscape during the journey was beautiful.
The first impact with the Byron Bay beach and the big waves was awesome. Many surfers caught the blue big waves like pro and my hope to take a board vanished, but just watching was a great sensation.

We enjoyed a delicious Xmas lunch in a backpacker hostel with music, swimming pool, and obviously, beer.
The unusual crowd of people and backpacker reminded me of the beach in my country, but in a totally different context.

We walked on the beach and looking for a place to sleep, but all the hotels were full, so the possibility was to sleep on the beach (too cold) or in the car (too small). The choice was the car, but obviously I slept just a few hours. However at 6 am I ate my breakfast under a big tree close to the ocean…not too bad.

We spent the day after at the beach and we walked to the lighthouse, on the top of a hill with a panorama that took my breathe away. The power of the deep blue ocean was amazing!

In the way back we visited 2 different beaches in the gold coast, not impressive like in Byron Bay, but a nice place to stay during the holiday with friend enjoying life.

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